26 September 2010

Prophet Mohhamad's Marriage with Lady Khadijah.

Lady Khadijah  was one of the wealthiest merchants of Quraish. She dispatched some men to different cities to trade; afterwards, she would get her share from the profit of their business.
When Lady Khadijah  was informed of Prophet Muhammad’s  truthfulness, moral virtues, and his trustworthiness (as he was well-known for), she offered him to go to Syria for trade.  She also gave him a larger share than the rest men.
Prophet Muhammad  accepted this offer and left for Syria; he was being accompanied with Meysara, Lady Khadijah’s  special servant.
When they arrived in Syria, Prophet Muhammad came down in the shadow of a tree near a monastery. A monk asked Meysara: “Who is the man under that tree?” Meysara replied:” He is of Quraish tribe and from Mecca.” The monk said: “I swear to Allah that he is no one except a Prophet.”
Prophet Muhammad  sold what he had brought; he bought some other material and then returned to Mecca. In this journey, all businessmen made profit, especially Prophet Muhammad  who made more than others. Once they returned, Lady Khadijah asked Meysara about Prophet Muhammad ; he said that whatever he did was orderly, logical and wise. He also narrated the happenings throughout the journey and said: “When one of the traders asked him to swear to Laat and Ozza, the two famous idols in Mecca, he refused to do that and said: ‘To me, nothing is inferior to Lat and Ozza.’”
Once Lady Khadijah  became aware of these incidents, she sent a messenger to Prophet Muhammad  to express her proposal for marriage.  She wanted to marry him because of his dignity amongst family, truthfulness, moral virtues, and trustworthiness.
Once Prophet Muhammad  was informed of this issue, he sent his uncles to house of Lady Khadijah  to propose for her hand in marriage.  In the proposal session, Abu Talib, the Prophet’s uncle, praised Allah (SWT) and then spoke of the virtues of Prophet Muhammad . He proposed marriage on behalf of Prophet Muhammad  to Lady Khadijah .  Lady Khadijah  accepted the proposal and got married to Prophet Muhammad . At that time, Prophet Muhammad was twenty-five years old, and according to some narrators Lady Khadijah was 40.  Other narrators, however, record that Lady Khadijah was younger.

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